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Implant Surgery

Implant Placement Surgery

                —Precision, Safety & Easy Recovery are Our Goals

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Implant surgery is a procedure that a metal root is placed inside the jawbone.  Once the metal root heals, a metal post, called abutment, is connected to the metal root, and a porcelain crown will be inserted on the abutment to complete implant treatment.

When to Place Implant?

Depending upon the location of missing teeth, patient’s medical condition, and quality of bone, an implant can be placed immediately upon tooth extraction (immediate placement) or it can be placed after bone healing (delayed placement).  Dr Shi will discuss with you what the best approach is for your specific case beforehand. 

When you jawbone has sufficient quality and quantity, it is possible that implant is placed at the time of tooth extraction in conjunction with bone graft procedures.  For predictable success, we don’t use immediate placement approach very often.

For most cases, on the other hand, there is insufficient bone mass to place implant immediately, and a separate bone grafting procedure has to be done first.  Once the bone heals and dental CT scan data is obtained, Dr Shi will first place implants virtually on the computer.  Your actual implant placement surgery becomes seamless as a result. 

Implant Surgery Procedure

Implant surgery involves the following steps:

  1.  Local anesthesia to numb the area
  2. A small incision is made over the ridge
  3. Jawbone is prepared using a precision drill to receive the titanium implant
  4. A healing post (if single stage surgery) or a cover screw (if two stage surgery) is placed over the implant
  5. Gums are sutured for proper healing
  6. Ice pack is placed on the skin next to the surgical site to control swelling. 

Generally, there is no bleeding after surgery, and patient can eat as soon as anesthetics wear off.

Why Choose Dr Shi for Your Implant Surgery?

  1. Dr Shi has extensive training on dental implantology, and he attends many dental conferences and advanced training classes every year.  His technique and knowledge is advanced and update
  2. Dr Shi uses most advanced software to analyze dental CT scan data, your implant surgery is safe and precise.
  3. Dr Shi is a fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologist
  4. Dr Shi uses reputable materials and parts
  5. The goal of placing an implant is to restore a missing tooth.  Dr Shi sees the future tooth before placing implant, so the placement is precise and ideal for more esthetic tooth restoration.
  6. When implant placement and tooth replacement are both done by Dr Shi, you save money!