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Implant Restorations

Atraumatic Tooth Extraction  |  Bone Preservation and Graft 
Implant Surgery  |  Implant Restorations

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the bone and gum tissue. Once they have properly integrated with the existing bone, they will be able to support dental restorations that provide esthetics and functionality of natural teeth.  Dental implants can be used to support dental crowns, dental bridges, and variety of dentures.

Single tooth missing

When an implant is placed to replace a single missing tooth, the best restoration is an implant supported crown that looks and feels like the original tooth. 

Mutiple teeth missing

When two or more consecutive teeth are missing, an implant supported fixed bridge is the best option for restoration.  Comparing to one implant per missing tooth, it requires fewer implants, less surgery, and more affordable. 

All teeth missing

If all teeth are missing, there are many choices to restore the lost function and esthetics.  We will present more detailed discussion with you at your free consultation appointment. Briefly, the more popular options are:

     1) One or more fixed impalnt bridges
     2) Hybride fixed denture
     3) Overdenture